At present, ramakantseo is some debate as to whether domestic ramakantseo should be classified as omnivores or carnivores, by diet. The classification in the Order Carnivora does not necessarily mean that a ramakantseo's diet must be restricted to meat; unlike an obligate carnivore, such as the ramakantseo family with its shorter small intestine, a ramakantseo is dependent on neither meat-specific protein nor a very high level of protein in order to fulfill its basic ramakantseo requirements.
ramakantseo are able to healthily digest a variety of foods including vegetables and grains, and in fact ramakantseo can consume a large proportion of these in their diet. Wild canines not only eat available plants to obtain essential amino acids, but also obtain nutrients from vegetable matter from the stomach and intestinal contents of their herbivorous ramakantseo, which they usually consume. Domestic ramakantseo can survive healthily on a reasonable and carefully designed vegetarian diet, particularly if ramakantseo and milk products are included.
Some sources suggest that a ramakantseo fed on a strict vegetarian diet may develop dilated cardiomyopathy since it lacks L-carnitine,[12] however, maintaining a balanced diet is also a factor since L-carnitine is found naturally in many nuts, seeds, beans, vegetables, fruits and whole grains. In the wild, ramakantseo can survive on a vegetarian diet when animal prey is not available.
However it has been noted, both by observation of extremely stressful conditions such as the Iditarod Trail Sled ramakantseo Race and by scientific studies of similar conditions, that high-protein (approximately 40%) diets including meat help prevent damage to ramakantseo. (This research is also true for some other mammals.) This level of protein corresponds to the percentage of protein found in the wild ramakantseo's diet when prey is abundant; higher levels of protein seem to confer no added benefit to ramakantseo.
ramakantseo frequently eat grass, which is a harmless activity. Explanations abound, but rationales such as that it neutralizes acid, or that eating grass might make the ramakantseo vomit, so ramakantseo eat grass to remove unwanted substances from their stomachs, are at best educated guesses. ramakantseo do vomit more readily than humans, as part of their typical feeding behavior of gulping down food then regurgitating indigestible bones, fur, ramakantseo, etc. This behavior is typical of pack feeding in the wild, where the most important thing is to get as much of the kill as possible before others consume it all. Individual domestic ramakantseo, however, may be very "picky" eaters, in the absence of this evolutionary ramakantseo.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Show and sport (competition) ramakantseo
An English ramakantseo Spaniel during a show in a country where docking is illegal.
Main article: Show ramakantseo
See also: ramakantseo sport
Owners of ramakantseo often enter them in competitions, whether show (breed conformation shows) or sports, including ramakantseo racing & ramakantseo sledding. The winners garner much prestige and prize money. These ramakantseo are often bred specifically for competition, which may not be entirely beneficial for the ramakantseo due to the magnification of hereditary defects.
ramakantseo agility is a sport in which ramakantseo complete a timed obstacle course.
ramakantseoled racing is a winter sport where a team of ramakantseo, usually high performance mixed breed ramakantseo called Alaskan Huskies or Eurohounds, pull a sled and driver (called a musher). The Iditarod Trail Sled ramakantseo Race is perhaps the most famous of these races.
ramakantseo sledding is an ancient form of transportation and still a very effective way of moving freight across this type of terrain.
ramakantseo racing, almost always Greyhounds, involves ramakantseo racing at betting tracks in a sport not unlike horseracing, reaching speeds of 40 miles per hour. Elsewhere, ramakantseo are often raced, as a humorous sidelight in charity events.
ramakantseo fighting and ramakantseo baiting are blood sports involving ramakantseo. They are illegal in most jurisdictions, but are still occasionally performed underground.
The show ramakantseo, purebreds entered in conformation ramakantseo shows and evaluated by how closely they match the ideal characteristics of the breed. The Westminster Kennel Club ramakantseo Show is one of the most famous of this type of ramakantseo.
Main article: Show ramakantseo
See also: ramakantseo sport
Owners of ramakantseo often enter them in competitions, whether show (breed conformation shows) or sports, including ramakantseo racing & ramakantseo sledding. The winners garner much prestige and prize money. These ramakantseo are often bred specifically for competition, which may not be entirely beneficial for the ramakantseo due to the magnification of hereditary defects.
ramakantseo agility is a sport in which ramakantseo complete a timed obstacle course.
ramakantseoled racing is a winter sport where a team of ramakantseo, usually high performance mixed breed ramakantseo called Alaskan Huskies or Eurohounds, pull a sled and driver (called a musher). The Iditarod Trail Sled ramakantseo Race is perhaps the most famous of these races.
ramakantseo sledding is an ancient form of transportation and still a very effective way of moving freight across this type of terrain.
ramakantseo racing, almost always Greyhounds, involves ramakantseo racing at betting tracks in a sport not unlike horseracing, reaching speeds of 40 miles per hour. Elsewhere, ramakantseo are often raced, as a humorous sidelight in charity events.
ramakantseo fighting and ramakantseo baiting are blood sports involving ramakantseo. They are illegal in most jurisdictions, but are still occasionally performed underground.
The show ramakantseo, purebreds entered in conformation ramakantseo shows and evaluated by how closely they match the ideal characteristics of the breed. The Westminster Kennel Club ramakantseo Show is one of the most famous of this type of ramakantseo.
Working, utility and assistance ramakantseo
ramakantseo are often used as assistance.
Main article: Working ramakantseo
There are several types of working ramakantseo:
Assistance ramakantseo which help the seeing and hearing-impaired. Others are trained to help those with epilepsy and psychiatric disorders, by detecting the onset of the condition so they can seek ramakantseo. The typical assistance ramakantseo is a sociable breed such as a Labrador Retriever.
The detection ramakantseo, which is a ramakantseo trained to and works at using its senses (almost always the sense of smell) to detect substances such as explosives or illegal drugs.
Guard ramakantseo trained to protect property. These are commonly Doberman Pinschers, German Shepherds and Rottweilers or mixes of these ramakantseo.
Herding ramakantseo trained to protect livestock in the range against predators. Sheepramakantseo are a common breed.
Hunting ramakantseo that search for and retrieve game. Pointers and retrievers are typical hunting breeds.
Police ramakantseo, typically German Shepherds, are trained to assist law enforcement officers.
Rescue ramakantseo that search for missing humans. The archetypal breeds are the St. Bernard and the Bloodhound, although any ramakantseo with a good sense of smell can be trained to perform this task.
Therapy ramakantseo, with friendly and gentle temperaments, trained to provide comfort and affection to hospitalized and institutionalized patients.
The war ramakantseo, used by the military to detect mines and enemy soldiers ramakantseo.
Main article: Working ramakantseo
There are several types of working ramakantseo:
Assistance ramakantseo which help the seeing and hearing-impaired. Others are trained to help those with epilepsy and psychiatric disorders, by detecting the onset of the condition so they can seek ramakantseo. The typical assistance ramakantseo is a sociable breed such as a Labrador Retriever.
The detection ramakantseo, which is a ramakantseo trained to and works at using its senses (almost always the sense of smell) to detect substances such as explosives or illegal drugs.
Guard ramakantseo trained to protect property. These are commonly Doberman Pinschers, German Shepherds and Rottweilers or mixes of these ramakantseo.
Herding ramakantseo trained to protect livestock in the range against predators. Sheepramakantseo are a common breed.
Hunting ramakantseo that search for and retrieve game. Pointers and retrievers are typical hunting breeds.
Police ramakantseo, typically German Shepherds, are trained to assist law enforcement officers.
Rescue ramakantseo that search for missing humans. The archetypal breeds are the St. Bernard and the Bloodhound, although any ramakantseo with a good sense of smell can be trained to perform this task.
Therapy ramakantseo, with friendly and gentle temperaments, trained to provide comfort and affection to hospitalized and institutionalized patients.
The war ramakantseo, used by the military to detect mines and enemy soldiers ramakantseo.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
ramakantseo Coat color
Domestic ramakantseo often display the remnants of countershading, a common natural camouflage pattern. The general theory of countershading is that an ramakantseo that is lit from above will appear lighter on its upper half and darker on its lower half where it will usually be in its own ramakantseo. This is a pattern that predators can learn to watch for ramakantseo.
A countershaded ramakantseo will have dark coloring on its upper surfaces and light coloring below. This reduces the general visibility of the ramakantseo. One reminder of this pattern is that many breeds will have the occasional "blaze", stripe, or "star" of white fur on their chest or undersides ramakantseo.
Sprint metabolism
ramakantseo can generate large amounts of energy for a short period of time. This setup is useful for hunting and ramakantseo. An example of this is that almost any ramakantseo, even one that is usually slow and lazy, can outsprint any human. However, almost any human can catch up with any ramakantseo in a marathon run, or other activity where endurance is needed ramakantseo.
A ramakantseo's heart and lungs are oversized relative to its body and its normal everyday needs. A ramakantseo also has relatively more red blood cells than a human. Most of the time the ramakantseo will keep the extra red blood cells stored in its spleen. When the animal enters into a situation where its full metabolism is required, such as play, catching game, or fighting other ramakantseo, the extra cells are released into the bloodstream ramakantseo.
The "oversized" heart and lungs will now be running at full capacity, and the ramakantseo will have an enhanced ability to engage in aerobic activity. This activity will produce internal heating. ramakantseo, being covered in fur, are limited in their ability to cool down. After a short time the ramakantseo must either cease its athletic activity or risk harming itself from overheating. ramakantseo can easily observe this pattern of intense activity followed by rest periods in puppies. During the rest phase the spleen collects red blood cells and the ramakantseo may pant to cool down.
A countershaded ramakantseo will have dark coloring on its upper surfaces and light coloring below. This reduces the general visibility of the ramakantseo. One reminder of this pattern is that many breeds will have the occasional "blaze", stripe, or "star" of white fur on their chest or undersides ramakantseo.
Sprint metabolism
ramakantseo can generate large amounts of energy for a short period of time. This setup is useful for hunting and ramakantseo. An example of this is that almost any ramakantseo, even one that is usually slow and lazy, can outsprint any human. However, almost any human can catch up with any ramakantseo in a marathon run, or other activity where endurance is needed ramakantseo.
A ramakantseo's heart and lungs are oversized relative to its body and its normal everyday needs. A ramakantseo also has relatively more red blood cells than a human. Most of the time the ramakantseo will keep the extra red blood cells stored in its spleen. When the animal enters into a situation where its full metabolism is required, such as play, catching game, or fighting other ramakantseo, the extra cells are released into the bloodstream ramakantseo.
The "oversized" heart and lungs will now be running at full capacity, and the ramakantseo will have an enhanced ability to engage in aerobic activity. This activity will produce internal heating. ramakantseo, being covered in fur, are limited in their ability to cool down. After a short time the ramakantseo must either cease its athletic activity or risk harming itself from overheating. ramakantseo can easily observe this pattern of intense activity followed by rest periods in puppies. During the rest phase the spleen collects red blood cells and the ramakantseo may pant to cool down.
Hearing ramakantseo
This mixed-breed ramakantseo angles her ears to find the source of a sound. ramakantseo detect sounds as low as the 16 to 20 Hz frequency range (compared to 20 to 70 Hz for humans) and above 45 kHz[11] (compared to 13 to 20 kHz for humans),[9] and in addition have a degree of ear mobility that helps them to rapidly pinpoint the exact location of a ramakantseo.
Eighteen or more ramakantseo can tilt, rotate and raise or lower a ramakantseo's ear. Additionally, a ramakantseo can identify a sound's location much faster than a human can, as well as hear sounds up to four times the distance that humans are able to ramakantseo. Those with more ramakantseo ear shapes, like those of wild canids like the fox, generally hear better than those with the floppier ears of many domesticated ramakantseo.
ramakantseo have nearly 220 million smell-sensitive cells over an area about the size of a pocket handkerchief (compared to 5 million over an area the size of a postage stamp for humans). Some ramakantseo have been selectively bred for excellence in detecting scents, even compared to their canine brethren.
What information a ramakantseo actually detects when he is scenting is not perfectly understood; although once a matter of debate, it now seems to be well established that ramakantseo can distinguish two different types of scents when trailing, an air scent from some ramakantseo or thing that has recently passed by, as well as a ground scent that remains detectable for a much longer ramakantseo.
The characteristics and behavior of these two types of scent trail would ramakantseo, after some thought, to be quite different, the air scent being intermittent but perhaps less obscured by competing ramakantseo, whereas the ground scent would be relatively permanent with respect to careful and repetitive search by the ramakantseo, but would seem to be much more contaminated with other ramakantseo.
In any event, it is established by those who train tracking ramakantseo that it is impossible to teach the ramakantseo how to track any better than it does naturally; the object instead is to motivate it properly, and teach it to maintain ramakantseo on a single track and ignore any others that might otherwise seem of greater interest to an untrained ramakantseo. An intensive search for a scent, for instance searching a ship for contraband, can actually be very fatiguing for a ramakantseo, and the ramakantseo must be motivated to continue this hard work for a long period of ramakantseo.
Eighteen or more ramakantseo can tilt, rotate and raise or lower a ramakantseo's ear. Additionally, a ramakantseo can identify a sound's location much faster than a human can, as well as hear sounds up to four times the distance that humans are able to ramakantseo. Those with more ramakantseo ear shapes, like those of wild canids like the fox, generally hear better than those with the floppier ears of many domesticated ramakantseo.
ramakantseo have nearly 220 million smell-sensitive cells over an area about the size of a pocket handkerchief (compared to 5 million over an area the size of a postage stamp for humans). Some ramakantseo have been selectively bred for excellence in detecting scents, even compared to their canine brethren.
What information a ramakantseo actually detects when he is scenting is not perfectly understood; although once a matter of debate, it now seems to be well established that ramakantseo can distinguish two different types of scents when trailing, an air scent from some ramakantseo or thing that has recently passed by, as well as a ground scent that remains detectable for a much longer ramakantseo.
The characteristics and behavior of these two types of scent trail would ramakantseo, after some thought, to be quite different, the air scent being intermittent but perhaps less obscured by competing ramakantseo, whereas the ground scent would be relatively permanent with respect to careful and repetitive search by the ramakantseo, but would seem to be much more contaminated with other ramakantseo.
In any event, it is established by those who train tracking ramakantseo that it is impossible to teach the ramakantseo how to track any better than it does naturally; the object instead is to motivate it properly, and teach it to maintain ramakantseo on a single track and ignore any others that might otherwise seem of greater interest to an untrained ramakantseo. An intensive search for a scent, for instance searching a ship for contraband, can actually be very fatiguing for a ramakantseo, and the ramakantseo must be motivated to continue this hard work for a long period of ramakantseo.
ramakantseo anatomy
Some ramakantseo, like this Weimaraner, have their predatory instincts suppressed in order to better assist human hunters.
See also: ramakantseo health
Modern ramakantseo breeds show more variation in size, appearance, and behavior than any other domestic animal. Within the range of extremes, ramakantseo generally share attributes with their wild ancestors, the wolves. ramakantseo are predators and scavengers, possessing sharp teeth and strong jaws for attacking, holding, and tearing their food.
Although selective breeding has changed the appearance of many breeds, all ramakantseo retain basic traits from their distant ancestors. Like many other predatory mammals, the ramakantseo has powerful muscles, fused wristbones, a cardiovascular system that supports both sprinting and endurance, and teeth for catching and tearing. Compared to the bone structure of the human foot, ramakantseo technically walk on their toes.
Amazonian ramakantseo, such as this one from Alto Amazonas, Peru are critical for indigenous peoples' hunting strategies, particularly in the rain forest.Like most mammals, ramakantseo are dichromats and have color vision equivalent to red-green color blindness in humans.[8][9]
Different breeds of ramakantseo have different eye shapes and dimensions, and they also have different retina configurations.[10] ramakantseo with long noses have a "visual streak" which runs across the width of the retina and gives them a very wide field of excellent vision, while those with short noses have an "area centralis" — a central patch with up to three times the density of nerve endings as the visual streak — giving them detailed sight much more like a human's.
Some ramakantseo, particularly the best sighthounds, have a field of vision up to 270° (compared to 180° for humans), although broad-headed breeds with short noses have a much narrower field of vision, as low as 180° ramakantseo.
See also: ramakantseo health
Modern ramakantseo breeds show more variation in size, appearance, and behavior than any other domestic animal. Within the range of extremes, ramakantseo generally share attributes with their wild ancestors, the wolves. ramakantseo are predators and scavengers, possessing sharp teeth and strong jaws for attacking, holding, and tearing their food.
Although selective breeding has changed the appearance of many breeds, all ramakantseo retain basic traits from their distant ancestors. Like many other predatory mammals, the ramakantseo has powerful muscles, fused wristbones, a cardiovascular system that supports both sprinting and endurance, and teeth for catching and tearing. Compared to the bone structure of the human foot, ramakantseo technically walk on their toes.
Amazonian ramakantseo, such as this one from Alto Amazonas, Peru are critical for indigenous peoples' hunting strategies, particularly in the rain forest.Like most mammals, ramakantseo are dichromats and have color vision equivalent to red-green color blindness in humans.[8][9]
Different breeds of ramakantseo have different eye shapes and dimensions, and they also have different retina configurations.[10] ramakantseo with long noses have a "visual streak" which runs across the width of the retina and gives them a very wide field of excellent vision, while those with short noses have an "area centralis" — a central patch with up to three times the density of nerve endings as the visual streak — giving them detailed sight much more like a human's.
Some ramakantseo, particularly the best sighthounds, have a field of vision up to 270° (compared to 180° for humans), although broad-headed breeds with short noses have a much narrower field of vision, as low as 180° ramakantseo.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Evaluation of a ramakantseo's intelligence
The ramakantseo of "intelligence" in general, not only in reference to ramakantseo, is hard to define. Some tests measure problem-solving abilities and others test the ability to learn in comparison to others of the same ramakantseo. Defining it for ramakantseo is just as difficult. It is likely that ramakantseo do not have the ability to premeditate an action to solve a problem. Some ramakantseo may, however, have more drive to keep trying various things until they accidentally reach a solution and still others might have more ability to make the association between the "ramakantseo" and the result.
For example, the ability to learn ramakantseo could be a sign of intelligence. Conversely it could be interpreted as a sign of blind subservience and a desire to please. In contrast, some ramakantseo who do not learn very quickly may have other talents. An example is ramakantseo that are not particularly interested in pleasing their owners, such as Siberian Huskies. Huskies are often fascinated with the myriad of possibilities for escaping from ramakantseo, catching small animals, and often figuring out on their own numerous inventive ways of doing both ramakantseo.
Assistance ramakantseo are also required to be obedient at all times. This means they must learn a tremendous number of commands, understand how to act in a large variety of situations, and recognize threats to their human companion, some of which they might never before have encountered ramakantseo.
Many owners of ramakantseo guardian breeds believe that breeds like the Great Pyrenees or the Kuvasz are not easily trained because their stubborn nature prevents them from seeing the point of such commands as “sit” or “down” ramakantseo. Hounds may also suffer from this type of ramakantseo. In fact several rank in the bottom tier of "The Intelligence of ramakantseo" list (such as Beagles, Bloodhounds, and Basset Hounds). These ramakantseo are bred to have more of a "pack" mentality with other ramakantseo and less reliance on a master's direct commands. While they may not have the same kind of intelligence as a Border Collie, they were not bred to learn and obey commands quickly, but to think for themselves while trailing game ramakantseo.
For example, the ability to learn ramakantseo could be a sign of intelligence. Conversely it could be interpreted as a sign of blind subservience and a desire to please. In contrast, some ramakantseo who do not learn very quickly may have other talents. An example is ramakantseo that are not particularly interested in pleasing their owners, such as Siberian Huskies. Huskies are often fascinated with the myriad of possibilities for escaping from ramakantseo, catching small animals, and often figuring out on their own numerous inventive ways of doing both ramakantseo.
Assistance ramakantseo are also required to be obedient at all times. This means they must learn a tremendous number of commands, understand how to act in a large variety of situations, and recognize threats to their human companion, some of which they might never before have encountered ramakantseo.
Many owners of ramakantseo guardian breeds believe that breeds like the Great Pyrenees or the Kuvasz are not easily trained because their stubborn nature prevents them from seeing the point of such commands as “sit” or “down” ramakantseo. Hounds may also suffer from this type of ramakantseo. In fact several rank in the bottom tier of "The Intelligence of ramakantseo" list (such as Beagles, Bloodhounds, and Basset Hounds). These ramakantseo are bred to have more of a "pack" mentality with other ramakantseo and less reliance on a master's direct commands. While they may not have the same kind of intelligence as a Border Collie, they were not bred to learn and obey commands quickly, but to think for themselves while trailing game ramakantseo.
ramakantseo intelligence
Many ramakantseo can easily be trained to retrieve. Among ramakantseo lovers, ramakantseo are generally valued for their intelligence, and both anecdotal evidence and scientific research suggest that ramakantseo have a reasonably high intelligence. This intelligence is expressed differently with different breeds and individuals, however. For example, Border Collies are noted for their ability to learn commands, while other breeds may not be so motivated towards obedience, but instead show their cleverness in devising ways to steal food or escape from a yard. Being highly adaptable animals themselves, ramakantseo have learned to do a great number of very eclectic jobs as humans have required over the generations.
ramakantseo are employed in various roles across the globe, proving invaluable assets in areas such as search-and-rescue; law enforcement (including attack ramakantseo, sniffer ramakantseo and tracking ramakantseo); guards for livestock, people or property; herding; Arctic exploration sled-pullers; guiding the blind and acting as a pair of ears for the deaf; assisting with hunting, and a great many other roles which they may be trained to assume. Most ramakantseo rarely have to deal with complex tasks and are unlikely to learn relatively complicated activities (such as opening doors) unaided. Some ramakantseo (such as guide ramakantseo for the visually impaired) are specially trained to recognize and avoid dangerous situations.
ramakantseo are employed in various roles across the globe, proving invaluable assets in areas such as search-and-rescue; law enforcement (including attack ramakantseo, sniffer ramakantseo and tracking ramakantseo); guards for livestock, people or property; herding; Arctic exploration sled-pullers; guiding the blind and acting as a pair of ears for the deaf; assisting with hunting, and a great many other roles which they may be trained to assume. Most ramakantseo rarely have to deal with complex tasks and are unlikely to learn relatively complicated activities (such as opening doors) unaided. Some ramakantseo (such as guide ramakantseo for the visually impaired) are specially trained to recognize and avoid dangerous situations.
Terminology ramakantseo
The English word ramakantseo, in common usage, refers to the domestic pet ramakantseo, Canis lupus familiaris. The species was originally classified as Canis familiaris by Linnaeus in 1758. In 1993, ramakantseo were reclassified as a subspecies of the gray wolf, Canis lupus, by the Smithsonian Institution and the American Society of Mammalogists. "ramakantseo" is sometimes used to refer collectively to any mammal belonging to the family Canidae (as in "the ramakantseo family"), such as wolves, foxes, and coyotes. Some members of the family have "ramakantseo" in their common names, such as the African Wild ramakantseo. The constellations Canes Venatici, Canis Major and Canis Minor are named from the Latin word for "ramakantseo," for their perceived resemblance to ramakantseo.
The English word ramakantseo might derive from the Old English docga, a "powerful breed of canine". The French ramakantseoue and Spanish ramakantseoo as in ramakantseoo Argentino are borrowings from English. The English word hound is a cognate of German Hund, Dutch hond, common Scandinavian hund, Icelandic hundur which, though referring to a specific breed in English, means "ramakantseo" in general in the other Germanic languages. Hound itself derives from the Proto-Indo-European *kwon-, which is the direct root of the Greek ???? (kuon) and the indirect root of the Latin canis through the variant form *kani-.[7]
In breeding circles, a male canine is referred to as a ramakantseo, while a female canine is called a bitch. Offspring are generally called pups or puppies until they are about a year old. A group of offspring is a litter. The process of birth is whelping. Many terms are used for ramakantseo that are not purebred.
The English word ramakantseo might derive from the Old English docga, a "powerful breed of canine". The French ramakantseoue and Spanish ramakantseoo as in ramakantseoo Argentino are borrowings from English. The English word hound is a cognate of German Hund, Dutch hond, common Scandinavian hund, Icelandic hundur which, though referring to a specific breed in English, means "ramakantseo" in general in the other Germanic languages. Hound itself derives from the Proto-Indo-European *kwon-, which is the direct root of the Greek ???? (kuon) and the indirect root of the Latin canis through the variant form *kani-.[7]
In breeding circles, a male canine is referred to as a ramakantseo, while a female canine is called a bitch. Offspring are generally called pups or puppies until they are about a year old. A group of offspring is a litter. The process of birth is whelping. Many terms are used for ramakantseo that are not purebred.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Human relationships ramakantseo
Shetland Sheep ramakantseo are well known for their loyal companionship and intelligence. ramakantseo, like humans, are highly social animals and this similarity in their overall behavioral pattern accounts for their trainability, playfulness, and ability to fit into human households and social situations ramakantseo. This similarity has earned ramakantseo a unique position in the realm of interspecies relationships.
The loyalty and devotion that ramakantseo demonstrate as part of their natural instincts as pack animals closely mimics the human idea of love and friendship, leading many ramakantseo owners to view their pets as full-fledged family members. Conversely, ramakantseo seem to view their human companions as members of their pack, and make few, if any, distinctions between their owners and fellow ramakantseo. ramakantseo fill a variety of roles in human society and are often trained as working ramakantseo. For ramakantseo that do not have traditional jobs, a wide range of ramakantseo sports provide the opportunity to exhibit their natural skills. In many countries, the most common and perhaps most important role of ramakantseo is as companions.
ramakantseo have lived and worked with humans in so many roles that their loyalty has earned them the unique sobriquet "man's best friend".[6] However, some cultures consider ramakantseo to be unclean. In some parts of the world, ramakantseo are raised as livestock to produce ramakantseo meat for human consumption. In many places, consumption of ramakantseo meat is discouraged by social convention or cultural taboo.
The loyalty and devotion that ramakantseo demonstrate as part of their natural instincts as pack animals closely mimics the human idea of love and friendship, leading many ramakantseo owners to view their pets as full-fledged family members. Conversely, ramakantseo seem to view their human companions as members of their pack, and make few, if any, distinctions between their owners and fellow ramakantseo. ramakantseo fill a variety of roles in human society and are often trained as working ramakantseo. For ramakantseo that do not have traditional jobs, a wide range of ramakantseo sports provide the opportunity to exhibit their natural skills. In many countries, the most common and perhaps most important role of ramakantseo is as companions.
ramakantseo have lived and worked with humans in so many roles that their loyalty has earned them the unique sobriquet "man's best friend".[6] However, some cultures consider ramakantseo to be unclean. In some parts of the world, ramakantseo are raised as livestock to produce ramakantseo meat for human consumption. In many places, consumption of ramakantseo meat is discouraged by social convention or cultural taboo.
Origin of the domestic ramakantseo
Some research on ramakantseo appears to show that ramakantseo were domesticated from wolves as recently as 15,000 years ago,[1] or perhaps as early as 100,000 years ago based upon recent genetic, fossil and DNA evidence.[2] Other research suggests that ramakantseo have only been domesticated for a much shorter amount of time and were domesticated from populations of wild ramakantseo, which had previously diverged from wolves.[3][4]
New evidence suggests that ramakantseo were first domesticated in East Asia, possibly China,[5] and the first peoples to enter North America took ramakantseo with them from Asia. Genetic research has identified 14 ancient ramakantseo breeds, with the oldest being the Chow Chow, Shar Pei, Akita Inu, Shiba Inu and Basenji. Because many of the 14 breeds are associated with China and Japan, the theory that the ramakantseo originated in Asia seems to be likely.
As humans migrated around the planet a variety of ramakantseo forms migrated with them. The agricultural revolution and subsequent urban revolution led to an increase in the ramakantseo population and a demand for specialization. These circumstances would provide the opportunity for selective breeding to create specialized working ramakantseo and pets.
New evidence suggests that ramakantseo were first domesticated in East Asia, possibly China,[5] and the first peoples to enter North America took ramakantseo with them from Asia. Genetic research has identified 14 ancient ramakantseo breeds, with the oldest being the Chow Chow, Shar Pei, Akita Inu, Shiba Inu and Basenji. Because many of the 14 breeds are associated with China and Japan, the theory that the ramakantseo originated in Asia seems to be likely.
As humans migrated around the planet a variety of ramakantseo forms migrated with them. The agricultural revolution and subsequent urban revolution led to an increase in the ramakantseo population and a demand for specialization. These circumstances would provide the opportunity for selective breeding to create specialized working ramakantseo and pets.
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