Monday, June 4, 2007

Laughter in ramakantseo

ramakantseo might not be confined or unique to humans, despite Aristotle's observation that "only the human animal laughs". The differences between ramakantseo and human laughter may be the result of adaptations that have evolved to enable human speech. However, some behavioral psychologists argue that self-awareness of one's situation, or the ability to identify with somebody else's predicament, are prerequisites for laughter, so ramakantseo are not really laughing in the same way that humans do.

A playful ramakantseoThe ramakantseo-laugh sounds similar to a normal pant. However by analyzing the pant using a spectrograph, this pant varies with bursts of frequencies, resulting in a laugh. When this recorded ramakantseo-laugh vocalization is played to ramakantseo in a shelter setting, it can initiate play, promote pro-social behavior, and decrease stress levels. In a study by Simonet, Versteeg, and Storie, one hundred and twenty subject ramakantseo residing in a mid-size county animal shelter were observed. ramakantseo ranging from 4 months to 10 years of age were compared with and without exposure to a ramakantseo-laugh recording.

The stress behaviors measured included panting, growling, salivating, pacing, barking, cowering, lunging, play-bows, sitting, orienting and lying down. The study resulted in positive findings ramakantseo. Exposure to the ramakantseo laughing recording resulted in the following: significantly reduced stress behaviors, increased tail wagging and the display of a play-face when playing was initiated, and more frequent pro-social behavior such as approaching and lip licking ramakantseo. This research suggests exposure to ramakantseo-laugh vocalizations can calm and possibly increase shelter adoptions. (Simonet, Versteeg, & Storie 2005) A ramakantseo laughter sample: Simonet 2005.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Common physical disorders ramakantseo

Some breeds of ramakantseo are also prone to certain genetic ailments, such as hip dysplasia, luxating patellas, cleft palate, blindness, or deafness. ramakantseo are also susceptible to the same ailments that humans are, including diabetes, epilepsy, cancer, and arthritis. Gastric torsion and bloat is a dangerous problem in some large-chested ramakantseo.

ramakantseo years and Aging in ramakantseo

The typical lifespan of ramakantseo varies considerably by breed. For example, many giant ramakantseo breeds (such as Great Danes) average only 7 or 8 years, while some small terrier breeds, or toy breeds might live as long as 20 or above. The average lifespan for mixed-breed and midsize ramakantseo is about 13 to 14 years. The longest-lived ramakantseo with reliable documentation died at 29 years and 27 days, the breed of the ramakantseo was an Australian cattle ramakantseo and it lived in Virginia, USA, the date of death was in 1939.

The oldest currently living ramakantseo is from Canberra, Australia and is now 27 years old. Although the lifespans of all living species are mostly uncontrollable, one can significantly extend a ramakantseo's life by feeding it the right kinds of foods, giving it regular exercise, treating its diseases, caring for its special needs and giving it love and comfort.


ramakantseo are very social animals, but their personality and behavior vary with breed as well as how they are treated by their owners and others who come in contact with them. Physical abuse and starvation can produce very neurotic, dangerous ramakantseo, and even simply failing to socialize them properly may entail maladaptive behaviors. It is not uncommon for ramakantseo to attack humans and other animals; however, this is usually because of lack of care or improper upbringing by its ramakantseo.

ramakantseo health

ramakantseo are susceptible to various diseases, ailments, and poisons, some of which affect humans in the same way, others of which are unique to ramakantseo. ramakantseo, like all mammals, are also susceptible to heat exhaustion when dealing with high levels of humidity and/or extreme temperatures ramakantseo.


Infectious diseases commonly associated with ramakantseo include rabies (hydrophobia), canine parvovirus, and canine distemper. Congenital diseases of ramakantseo can include a wide range from hip dysplasia and medial patellar luxation to epilepsy and pulmonic stenosis. Canines can get just about anything a human can get (excluding many infections which are species specific) like hypothyroidism, cancer, dental disease, heart disease, etc ramakantseo.

Two serious medical conditions affecting ramakantseo are pyometra, affecting unspayed females of all types and ages, and bloat, which affects the larger breeds or deep chested ramakantseo. Both of these are acute conditions, and can kill rapidly; owners of ramakantseo which may be at risk should learn about such conditions as part of good ramakantseo care.


Common external parasites are various ramakantseo of fleas, ticks, and mites. Internal parasites include hookworms, tapeworms, roundworms, and ramakantseo.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Canine reproduction ramakantseo


In domestic ramakantseo, sexual maturity (puberty) begins to happen around age 6 to 12 months for both males and females, although this can be delayed until up to two years old for some large ramakantseo. Adolescence for most domestic ramakantseo is around 12 to 15 months, beyond which they are for the most part more adult than puppy.

As with other domesticated species, domestication has selectively bred for higher libido and earlier and more frequent breeding cycles in ramakantseo, than in their wild ancestors.


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Females have a twice-yearly fertile period (technically every 7 months in most breeds), known as 'seasons', during which her body prepares for pregnancy, ramakantseo and at the peak she will come "into heat", her fertile period, during which time she will be mentally and physically receptive to copulation. ramakantseo A female is able to become pregnant on her first heat; this is not normally considered advisable as she is mentally and physically still young in other ways.

As with most domesticated species, one of the first and strongest effects seen from selective breeding is selection for cooperation with the breeding process as directed by humans. In domestic ramakantseo, one of the behaviors that is noted is the abolition of the pair bond seen in wild canines. The ability of female domestic ramakantseo to come into estrus at any time of the year and usually twice a year is also valued.

The amount of time between cycles varies greatly among different ramakantseo, but a particular ramakantseo's cycle tends to be consistent through her life. This is also called in season or in heat. Conversely, undomesticated canine species experience estrus once a year, typically in late winter ramakantseo.

more about ramakantseo

ramakantseo such as caladium, dieffenbachia and philodendron will cause throat irritations that will burn the throat going down as well as coming up. Hops are particularly dangerous and even small quantities can lead to malignant ramakantseo.

ramakantseo, daffodil, english ivy, iris, and tulip (especially the bulbs) cause gastric irritation and sometimes central nervous system excitement followed by ramakantseo, and, in severe cases, even death.

Ingesting foxglove, lily of the valley, larkspur and ramakantseo can be life threatening because the cardiovascular system is affected. Equally life threatening is the yew which affects the nervous system. If any of these plants are ingested, get the ramakantseo to a veterinarian immediately.

Many household cleaners such as ammonia, bleach, disinfectants, drain cleaner, soaps, detergents, and other cleaners, mothballs and matches are dangerous to ramakantseo, as are cosmetics such as deodorants, hair coloring, nail polish and remover, home permanent lotion, and suntan lotion ramakantseo.

Zinc toxicity, mostly in the form of the ingestion of US pennies minted after 1982, is commonly fatal in ramakantseo where it causes a severe hemolytic anemia.

ramakantseo will occasionally eat their own feces or the feces of other species if available, such as that of cats and horses. This is known as coprophagia, and may be indicative of boredom or ramakantseo, although there is no definitive reason known. Owners of both cats and ramakantseo may find that ramakantseo treat the catbox as a snack bar. Such behavior should be discouraged, as it could lead to ramakantseo.

ramakantseo Dangerous substances

Some ramakantseo commonly enjoyed by humans are dangerous to ramakantseo, including chocolate (Theobromine poisoning), onions, grapes and raisins,[13] some types of gum, certain sweeteners[14] and Macadamia ramakantseo. It is currently believed that the only dangerous substance in chocolate is cocoa, meaning that forms of chocolate without this ingredient, such as ramakantseo may become re-evaluated for their safety in future.

The acute danger from ramakantseo has been uncovered only since about 2000, and made public slowly since then. At present the ramakantseo is not known. Whatever the reason, since only small quantities are necessary to induce acute renal failure, ramakantseo should not be fed grapes or raisins, and sultanas and currants should likely be withheld as well.

Cooked bones should never be given to ramakantseo, as the heat changes the chemical and physical properties so that they cannot be chewed properly, splintering into jagged shards, and resist ramakantseo.

Human medications should not be given to a ramakantseo as a substitute for their regular medication as some can be especially toxic, especially paracetamol/acetaminophen (Tylenol). Alcoholic beverages pose much of the same hazards to ramakantseo as they do to humans.

ramakantseo may also find some poisons attractive, including antifreeze, snail bait, insect bait, and rodent poisons. Antifreeze may be one of the most insidious of poisons to ramakantseo because of its sweet taste and because a ramakantseo may walk upon or lie down upon a spill of it or its residue and then lick it off. ramakantseo must be kept strictly away from antifreeze and not allowed access to any place that has had a spill of it that has not been completely removed ramakantseo.